Royal Super Lubricants Gear Oil 80W-90 API GL 5 – 208 Liter



Royal Super Lubricant Gear Oil 80W90 GL 5 are mixed with great mineral base oil, as well as some anti-wear and against froth added substance which has solid oxidation and frothing obstruction use in uncompromising activities tracked down in business armadas, manual transmission, axels and last drives. Royal Super Gear oil for manual transmission safeguards against rust and consumption and low temperature properties, and gives a decent beginning in cold climate.



  • Enhanced frictional properties
  • Outstanding low temperature fluidity
  • Good resistance to foaming
  • Extended gear and bearing life due to minimal deposits
  • Increased load-carrying capability
  • Maintains film strength for reliable lubrication
  • Exceptional thermal stability and resistance to high temperature oxidation
  • Outstanding protection against low speed/high torque wear and high speed scoring

API Performance Level

  • API GL 5
Meets Or Exceeds

Meets Or Exceeds

  • API GL-5
  • MAN 342 M2, ZF TE ML 05A, 7A, 12E, 16EB, C & D, 17B,19B, 21A


wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at TEST METHOD RESULTS
14 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Appearance VISUAL C&B
15 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Water HOT PLATE NIL
16 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Color ASTM 1500 L3.5
17 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Density @29.5°C,gm/CC ASTM D 4052 0.888
18 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Viscosity @ 100°C,cSt ASTM D 445 14.7
19 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Viscosity @ 40°C,cSt ASTM D 445 146
20 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 100
21 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Pour Point,°C ASTM D 97 -24
22 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Flash Point,°C ASTM D 92 230
23 royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM royaladministrator 29/01/2025 04:42 PM Foam Characteristics ASTM D 892 0/0

Our Packaging Sizes

CAN – 1L, 2L, 3L,  4L, 5L, 6L, 7L
DRUM – 60L, 208L
IBC – 1,000L
FLEXI BAG - 25,000L